Drake’s Nappo Hoodie, Getting Caught, and My Dad
Nappoholics Anonymous is a weekly column featuring twelve random thoughts by actor Tony Nappo. Some are funny, some are poignant, some bother him, and some make him weep from sadness while others make him weep for joy. Here are his thoughts: unfiltered, uncensored, and only occasionally unsafe for work.
1. This week on CBC, watch as Detective Murdoch and Frankie Drake team up and travel through time to solve the mystery of Why The Fuck Are The Doras Being Held On A Tuesday This Year?
2. Turns out Drake will wear pretty much ANY hoodie to a game if they let him keep it, pay for his Uber, and slip him twenty bucks.
3. Now that Game of Thrones is over, I’m having a really hard time deciding on a new overrated, really popular, show to not watch.
4. The sign on the subway read “FARE EVASION COSTS US ALL,” which makes no fucking sense at all if you stop and think about it for five seconds; maybe even three.
5. I believe I have invented a phrase that shall eventually replace the awkward belated wishes for missing a friend’s birthday by just one day: Happy Birthsterday!!!!
It just feels more present tense and celebratory.
6. My daughter and I have this joke/game where I ask her: “Hey, Ella. What is every single person in jail in jail FOR?”
And she answers back: “For getting caught.”
That’s the trouble I find with the What If? game. Most people don’t think: “What if I had just been a better person?” they think, “What if I just hadn’t been caught?”
7. If that Netflix special Still Laugh-In: The Stars Celebrate proves anything it’s that pretending to be drunk and stoned and acting like you’re having fun on television is no substitute for really being drunk and stoned and actually having fun on television.
8. Classic Futurama.
9. Guest Post of the Week
10. Many in the theatre world have known and worked with Nina Okens as a costume designer. I love this piece by Nina, entitled Short Turn. She made it entirely out of recycled Metropasses which she cut into quarter-inch squares and covered in an epoxy resin. You can see more of her work at ninaokens.com.
11. This is the shower curtain in the sublet I am staying at all summer. I’m seriously thinking I may rent the tub out to Outside The March as a bring your own venue in the fringe this year.
12. I told you my dad couldn’t spell, but apparently he CAN do some other shit at seventy-seven years old that I wish he’d shut the fuck up about.