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A photo of Uoft's University College. iPhoto caption: Photo by Robert Motum

Why would anyone do a PhD in theatre?

In an industry where stagnant government funding and tuition freezes have contributed to increasingly rigorous competition for fewer full-time positions, I’ve found myself reflecting: why do a PhD in theatre today?

By Robert Motum / Aug 7, 2024
iPhoto caption: From left: Hope Van Der Merwe, Liam Lockhart-Rush, Ho Ka Kei (Jeff Ho), and Dr. Marlis Schweitzer.

In Shaking Up Shakespeare, crunchy conversations on casting abound

How might we cast Shakespeare in 2023 and beyond — besides in marble? That’s just one of the questions on the mind of Shaking Up Shakespeare, a new podcast about the ongoing negotiation of Shakespeare’s legacy in Canadian theatre.

By Nathaniel Hanula-James / Jan 15, 2024
iPhoto caption: Academia or creation — the age-old question. Image: Aisling Murphy.

The Art of Not Picking A Lane

Both jobs require strong communication and storytelling. Both fill me with a sense of meaning in a difficult world, and the more I dissect them, the less I am able to find where one ends and the other begins.

By Taylor Marie Graham / Sep 14, 2021