Change for the Better: On Indigeneity at the Stratford Festival
Both [Sky and Peters] want to honour the Indigenous artists who have worked with the [Stratford] festival for years, quietly carving out space for public and visual representation.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream in High Park: In Conversation with Jamie Robinson
"The show is called A Midsummer Night's Dream... which means anything's possible. So I thought, let’s lean into that."
REVIEW: The Tragedy of King Lear at Shakespeare BASH’d/The Theatre Centre
Shakespeare BASH’d is an aptly named, passionate independent company, and with this production, they’ve lived up to their goal: to let the text do the talking.
To Train, or Not to Train: Exploring Stratford’s Birmingham Conservatory
"What I'm learning right now is giving me the confidence to take this newly gained knowledge anywhere in the world and flourish."