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The cast of English, lined up onstage. Four of the individuals sit at school desks, gazing at the camera: some smile, others look inquisitive. The man wears a dark jacket and trousers, while the women wear brighter colours and patterned hijabs. A woman in blue with a dark hijab stands in the centre of the line, her arms crossed, staring intently into the camera with a gentle smile. iPhoto caption: Original photo by Dahlia Katz.

REVIEW: English at Soulpepper/Segal Centre for Performing Arts

English is a damn good play, with sensible pacing, eye-catching design, and haunting performances to boot.

By Aisling Murphy / Feb 22, 2023

This Season at Crow’s, There’s Something for Everyone

Some pieces in Crow's upcoming season are live only, some are digital only, and some are available in whichever form you’d prefer: this season at Crow’s is here to address “the now,” wherever audiences may choose to listen.

By Aisling Murphy / Sep 17, 2021
iPhoto caption: Five Faces for Evelyn Frost. Photo by Cylla Von Tiedemann


For me, English is more cerebral and French is more visceral. One comes from my head and the other comes from my gut.

By Steffi DiDomenicantonio / Feb 22, 2017