Refereeing, Choreography, and Being 52
When I started seeing Sean Connery’s name pop up in my newsfeed Saturday. I thought, “Oh, fuck, no. Don’t tell me he is endorsing Trump now, too.”
Satan Speaks, Ducking Punches, and How I Lost My Virginity
I never lost my virginity. I know exactly where I left it. It’s in a hotel room somewhere in Kingston, Ontario.
Oscar Predictions, Dog Trainers, and Franco Boni
I tried to watch the first few episodes of Russian Doll but was distracted by myself constantly yelling at the TV, "It’s Groundhog Day! You’re being Groundhog Day-ed!!! How the fuck could you not have seen Groundhog Day???”
The Gillette Ad, Tipping for Takeout, and Mary Oliver
The part I auditioned for last week was so small that I learned my lines for it while I was slating.