REVIEW: Goblin:Macbeth might just leave you gobsmacked
While most of the entertainment comes from the goblins’ antics whenever the Shakespearean text is paused or subverted for comic effect, the secret sauce to this whole endeavour is that it really is an honest-to-goodness staging of that text, designed to showcase the performers’ near-virtuosic mastery of the material.
REVIEW: An unabashedly feminist Macbeth hits all the right notes in Ottawa
Kate Smith's pointed interpretation of the classic tragedy is a definite highlight and forecasts riveting things sure to be in store for Fools’ future programming.
REVIEW: Tosca and Macbeth at Canadian Opera Company
Be it the lush and extravagant production of Tosca or the brooding and eerie production of Macbeth, both operas capture the spirit of romantic opera to delight audiences.
Nappoholics Gems to Tide You Over Until the New Year
Watch exclusive footage of what happens at a Nappoholics Anonymous meeting and revisit Nappo’s best musings in this roundup of the theatre world’s greatest column.