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martin austin

rutas iPhoto caption: ROSA promotional image courtesy of RUTAS.

RUTAS redefines ‘American’ theatre and performance

“I think [Latinx artists] have always been a strong voice, but now we need to be even louder to the rest of Canada,” says multidisciplinary performance artist Carlos Rivera. “The things that we can bring to the table and bring to the stages can show the beauty, and the strain, and the capacities that Latino Americans carry with us in our bodies, in our minds, in our souls.”

By Martin Austin / Sep 25, 2024
iPhoto caption: Photo by Ambra Vernuccio.

REVIEW: Jungle Book reimagined needs a little reimagining

Indeed, Akram Khan “reimagines” a historically complex story into a two-hour exposé on the environmental catastrophe. Jungle Book’s captivating visual effects and dynamic physicality brought the opening night audience to their feet. But as the choreographer’s first billing as director, Jungle Book’s storytelling doesn’t always live up to Khan’s skill as a dancemaker.

By Martin Austin / Oct 18, 2023

REVIEW: dance: made in canada

When it comes to dance made in Canada, there’s an overabundance of great work happening.

By Martin Austin / Aug 21, 2023
iPhoto caption: Photo by David Hou.

REVIEW: Richard II at the Stratford Festival

There’s an electricity in every step Stephen Jackman-Torkoff takes as Richard, with his propensity for vanity, pleasure, and rash decisions.

By Martin Austin / Jun 27, 2023