Dawn Jani Birley to debut new show in the Tarragon Extraspace this September
This fall, internationally acclaimed Deaf actor Dawn Jani Birley will premiere a new work, Qalb: A Journey of the Ego, at the Tarragon Extraspace.
REVIEW: Just like Luke Reece’s life story, As I Must Live It is open-ended
In his 90-minute spoken-word solo show, Recce reaches who he needs to reach, offering a piece full of complexity and nostalgia.
Renting Cars, Remembering Manson, and Knowing Your Worth
To me, a Leaf Fan cheering for the Habs is like someone cheating on a spouse or partner with their spouse or partner’s least favourite sibling.
/kärt blänSH/ [noun] complete freedom to act as one wishes
welcome to carte blanche. this is a free space, let’s call it that.