the inheritance

Will female stories ever have a place in Canadian theatre?

A season of less than 50 per cent female playwrights, directors, and actors means the female-identifying population is not being fully represented. Programming becomes a question of this play or that play, as opposed to this and that, resulting in some narratives receiving short shrift. 

By Lezlie Wade / Jul 29, 2024
Production photo of The Inheritance, winner of this year's TTCA for Best Production of a Play, iPhoto caption: The Inheritance production photo by Dahlia Katz.

Toronto Theatre Critics’ Awards announce 2024 winners

This 11th iteration of the TTCAs boasts 19 winners across 14 categories, including a special citation for artistic achievement.

By Liam Donovan / Jun 11, 2024
iPhoto caption: Photo of Brendan Healy by Dahlia Katz.

In Canadian Stage’s latest project, Brendan Healy ponders his own queer inheritance

“So much of the conversation around AIDS is around absence and what we lost,” says Canadian Stage artistic director Brendan Healy. “But we haven’t lost everybody. There are survivors and there are people who are living with HIV, thriving. [The Inheritance] is a space for an audience, for a society, to just be with presence.” 

By Nathaniel Hanula-James / Feb 17, 2024

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