Both jobs require strong communication and storytelling. Both fill me with a sense of meaning in a difficult world, and the more I dissect them, the less I am able to find where one ends and the other begins.
By Taylor Marie Graham /Sep 14, 2021
iPhoto caption: Central image credit: Bunker Theatre, London, UK.
No one talks about vaginismus, a medical condition that makes penetrative sex extremely painful. No one talks about it on stage, either. Rebecca Orstroff details her experience doing both—over Zoom.
We’ve been privileged enough to witness the birth of a brand-new artform: live digital performance. This art form can only grow and improve as the digital tools to share it grow more powerful.
I want to be clear here: I’m not trying to echo that theatre-bro you went to school with who kept posting about how Shakespeare wrote 31 plays and 80 sonnets during the plague of London.